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Post by mattwilde66 »

Can you kind folk explain the rules around "Veteranbil" and what you gain when you car reaches that age. Is there a process to go through?

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Re: Veteranbil?

Post by ducce999s »

A veteran car is a car that´s 30 years old from the YEAR it was registratet for the first time in Norway. Tax is reduced from about 3000-3500 to 450 kr/year. Thats all you gain. If you import a veteran car, you only has to pay tax 25% of the price you can document that you paid for it + transport cost + registration fee about 4500kr
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Re: Veteranbil?

Post by mattwilde66 »

ducce999s wrote:A veteran car is a car that´s 30 years old from the YEAR it was registratet for the first time in Norway. Tax is reduced from about 3000-3500 to 450 kr/year. Thats all you gain. If you import a veteran car, you only has to pay tax 25% of the price you can document that you paid for it + transport cost + registration fee about 4500kr
Fantastic. Cheers for that info. Do you have you register for veteran status?

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Re: Veteranbil?

Post by ducce999s »

All cars that's 30 years or older is automatically veteran cars, you don't have to do anything. So yeas all my cars that's older then 1989 is registered as veteran cars.

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Re: Veteranbil?

Post by hansstef »

In addition to the automatic events explained above there are a few add on options for the ones that are particular about their cars. Note this is mostly interesting for very low milage veterans (museum cars and trailer queens).
Different ensurers will provide you with a special veteran car insurance, but may require documentation of and originally preserved automobile. May be cheaper in some cases, but also restricts usage of the vehicle quite a bit. In most cases its more restricted than what the average t3 user needs for his or her van.
Also there is an option of registering the vehicle as a preservable car which increases your EU controll interval from every 2nd year to every 5th year. But again, this comes with user restrictions similar to the above. Providing this just for your information.
Hans Sæle
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