VW Kombi 1977 clutch problem

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VW Kombi 1977 clutch problem

Post by Kombi1977 »


I'm new in the forum, but I've heard that this is a great forum regarding old VW's. I was driving my VW in Oslo today and started having problems with my clutch and getting the gears in. After a while I couldn't get the clutch to lift up the gears at all, so it was stuck on a gear unless on neutral, even though the clutch was pressed all in. I checked the cable as well as I could, but it doesn't seem broken. Wondering what would be the best place to get help around Oslo area?!

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Buss Marius
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Re: VW Kombi 1977 clutch problem

Post by Buss Marius »

There aren't any aircooled spesialist in Oslo, as far as i know. Most of us from the Oslo area uses Brastad service in Lier, close to Drammen for our T4 and T3s They have been a Transporter specialist for many years, so i think they also know a lot about aircooled Transporters. If you cal him on Monday, 95 818 606 may bee you could drive the car down there (if it is drive able) on Monday evening, and then catch a ride with one of us back to Oslo, as we have the VWbus Drammen monday meeting just 500m away, on Monday, from 19 to about 21-21.30 http://vwbus.no/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1 ... start=1600
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Re: VW Kombi 1977 clutch problem

Post by ducce999s »

Make a search for servicevogna on Facebook. He can help you

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