increasing stability of T3 vanagon

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increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by giuguar »

Hello everybody,

I own a T3 westfalia TD1.6, at the moment I'm renewing the engine;
after that I'm going to renew schock absorbers coils etc.
In order to increase stability I don't want to modify the height of suspensions so I would like to add some spacers between the disk brake and the wheel to enlarge a bit the distance
between wheels, I suppose this, together with larger tyres will
increase stability. Do you think is this causing some damage in a long
while to the steering or the brackets of the schock absorbers or
whateverelse? I need you opinion guys!

Thanks for your time.

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Re: increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by VonZu »

I don't think increasing track widt will do all that much to your stability. I would go for a suspension upgrade of some sort. That's where you have the actual movement. You might also consider fitting wheels with less rubber.

Here's a thought: ... rwerk.html
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Re: increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by sonic »

On a box like this , inkluding head wind , there is no other way to go other than lowering, widening ...Lowering ,stiffening is the way to go...
Its the punishing reality for all you syncros /high roof/big rubber people out there ..

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Re: increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by giuguar »

yes, what you say confirms my suspect tha spacers are not such a good solution...
Do yo have any suggestion were can I find in the internet someone who sells a front anti roll bar for T3's?
Actually it seems quite a difficoult article to find anyhwere... any suggestion?


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increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by subwoofer »

It should have one already. New bushings and shocks will do wonders, though.
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Re: increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by giuguar »

Hi Joachim,
what about replacing also drop links brackets? do you think does it help or is it enough to replace the complete bush kit?
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Re: increasing stability of T3 vanagon

Post by ducce999s »

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